Locksmith Hampton – Symptoms of Car Ignition Issues

Over the years, there are numerous issues that can come up with any vehicle. Maybe you have had the ABS light on your dashboard illuminated for quite some time now. Or perhaps you hear a rattling noise when you drive. From fixing brakes to repairing damage to dashboards, there are so many things that your dealership will be able to help you out with (or of course, an experienced mechanic).

However, there are some issues that you can turn to someone else for. There are some issues that might arise with your vehicle that can actually be handled by an automotive locksmith. And the best part about this is that an experienced lock an

Hampton Transponder key

d security provider will typically offer lower rates for services than a car dealership or mechanic. Locksmith Hampton is a business based in Hampton, VA that offers advice to customers regarding vehicle problems which are solvable by a lock and security provider. Here, you will find symptoms of car ignition issues, and what you should do about them. Check it out!

  1. The vehicle sometimes refuses to power on.

This is an indication of a potential problem with the ignition. Over time, when the ignition cylinder lock is used or turned over and over again, it starts to wear out. When this happens, it might not work as it is supposed to when the key is placed inside of it. If you find yourself having to jerk the key around to get it to work, you might actually be making the damage worse. You eventually might get to the point that the entire ignition cylinder needs to be replaced. It isn’t a bad idea to reach out to an expert before the damage gets worse.

  1. There is difficulty inserting or removing the key.

If you have a hard time inserting or taking out your key, then you might have damage brewing. What causes problems? Basically, repetitive use. If you insert and remove and turn your key daily, the key and cylinder might eventually show signs of wear and tear. A worn cylinder can cause a key to get trapped inside. Eventually, what will happen is the key will no longer be able to fit inside of the ignition cylinder. Again, it is not a bad idea to reach out to a professional before the problem gets worse over time.

  1. No start condition.

Note that your ignition lock cylinder is connected with an electronic ignition switch. This is how the vehicle is turned on. The vehicle might not start if there is damage to the ignition lock cylinder, which can wear out over time. However, it is important to note that the ignition cylinder might not be the problem when it comes to a no start condition, so it is a wise idea to have the vehicle inspected by a professional to determine exactly what the cause for concern is. Of course, you should make sure that a dead or weak battery isn’t the issue. But if you recently had your battery checked and know that the issue is something else, consider that it might be the ignition cylinder.


These are just some of the symptoms of a failing ignition cylinder. While you can try wiggling your key around if it is stuck to loosen it, or moving the steering wheel from side to side when the key is stuck, this will really only be useful if the steering wheel was simply situated incorrectly. You can also check to make sure that the problem isn’t a dead battery. Did your “check engine” light illuminate on the dashboard shortly before you found your key to be trapped in the ignition cylinder? Are you unable to turn the car on now? A dead battery might be the problem, rather than the ignition cylinder. If you are able to simply troubleshoot the problem on your own, then you might save yourself a great deal of money by avoiding having to bring the vehicle in to an expert or having the vehicle towed to your dealership.

Be sure to make note of any issues you might be experiencing with your vehicle, and if it is related to the ignition cylinder, consider your options. Broken key extraction is a service that locksmiths offer. They can carefully take your key out of the ignition cylinder if it has broken off inside of it. Ignition cylinder replacement is another service that is provided by professional automotive lock and security providers. They can identify that the source of the problem is definitely the ignition cylinder and replace it with parts that work so you can continue to drive your vehicle with safety.

Hampton Automotive Locksmith

Call a locksmith in Hampton, Virginia if you need automotive solutions, or in the location you are currently in. Save their phone number so you are able to access them whenever a problematic situation comes up. You will be able to, at the very least, save yourself the time of having to sit around doing Google searches. Make sure that you always have your vehicle checked out if you are unsure of what is wrong. It is very important to keep your car in the best possible condition so that it is safe for you to drive. Get on the road to success by paying attention to the details! Your ignition cylinder is something that shouldn’t be ignored. Repairs, diagnostics and maintenance should be performed on an as-needed basis to prevent serious issues from occurring. Whether you are having difficulty removing your key from your car’s ignition, or notice that at times, your car just will not turn on, be sure to have a professional do an inspection. You don’t want to end up stuck somewhere because of an issue that was totally preventable or reversible.

Keep your car in tip top shape, and keep an eye on your ignition cylinder so that everything works for many years to come!

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